I had excellent technical service experience with the crew at Tasty Apps. In this modern age, it can very hard to get quality service, especially on a technical level. These guys really knew their stuff and were so detailed in their advice, that it actually restored my troubled Mac Pro back to peak performance. Very, very impressed. Tasty Apps sets a standard of service that the whole country can and should follow as an example. — Sean Davey, http://seandavey.com
(...) diligent, tenacious and relentless product support (...) — Danny McCall, http://www.talentsphere.com
A ground-breaking & revolutionary array of software for Mac, Tasty-Apps' products and further tech support is so reliable - I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone. — Ryan
I've been using TastyApps' products (Videobox, Musicbox, Web Snapper, and FlagIt!) since 2009. I'm a huge fan of their products, and have also become a huge fan of their Technical Support. As a Macintosh Consultant and Software Instructor, this is not a phrase I often have the opportunity to say, and in the case of TastyApps, I'm more than pleased to be able to say it. (...) I can't say enough good things about TastyApps' Support Services. I heartily recommend their software, their company, and their Tech Support. — Stephanie Gans, http://www.aym4training.com
I didn’t use my copy of VideoBox much UNTIL I discovered that it can convert Elgato EyeTV MPEG2 files (QuickTime Pro cannot). If ever Easy VHS to DVD crashes while converting a recording (It records in MPEG2 format) – the ONLY App I have that CAN convert the leftover MPEG2 files to QuickTime MOV is VideoBox. So, Instead of paying Apple $20 for a Quick time MPEG2 Converting Plugin: I recommend you Buy VideoBox for $15 to do the Exact same Job! — Carl McCall, http://softwaresanta.com/
(...) the renew license was very easy to use and in minutes my VideoBox was working. In a time where support for most companies really sucks—I appreciate your quick and thorough turnaround to my issue—thanks for the support. — Scott Medina, http://www.isminc.com
November 19, 2018
VideoboxPro and WebSnapperPro are not yet compatible with OS X 11.0 and above due to increased demands on the developer support industry. As developer support becomes available we hope to bring VideoboxPro and WebSnapperPro to full OS X compatibility.
WatchMe has been withdrawn from our Active apps due to an unrecoverable technical problem.
Vortex is being evaluated for improvements or replacement with brand new product and is not available at this time.
Videobox, Web Snapper, and Musicbox have been retired to
Legacy Apps status. See the Legacy Apps page.
Videobox and Musicbox were last
updated on 9/22/2017 and, at that time, were High Sierra compatible. But that compatibility could change at any time
as Apple releases OS X updates. Videobox and Musicbox have been replaced with a single app -
Web Snapper is not compatible with High Sierra. Web Snapper has been replaced with WebSnapperPro
Safari Extensions
The latest versions of VideoboxPro and WebSnapperPro now include Safari Extensions for OS X 10.12 and above.
See the Tutorials for installation instructions.
If you are not using Safari in OS X 10.12 and above, VideoboxPro and WebSnapperPro both have capture buttons for Safari and Chrome that
emulate the 1-click functionality of the Extensions. See the Tutorials for details.
For other browsers we have "Bookmarklets" available that provide 1-click funtionality. The Bookmarklets will work with all browsers. You
can read about the Bookmarklets, and how to get them, in the app tutorials or on the
Bookmarklets page. Be sure to get the latest available Bookmarklet for your Tastyapp.
VideoboxPro returns "No contents were found..." error message.
This message is generated when VideoboxPro cannot "see" a video on the target page. We have received reports from some users that VideoboxPro is failing on particular videos from Youtube. Nothing has changed with VBP, but something seems to have changed with Google/Youtube. We were looking at the possibility that advertisements that preceed the video are a factor.
A password protected site/video can also generate this message - see the "Password Manager" in the
VideoboxPro Tutorial - or a proprietary video that is intentionally restricted and unavailable for capture.
If you are using OS X 10.9 thru OS X 10.12 you may see this message on source sites (Vimeo is one) that have stopped supporting older security protocols (TLS 1.0/1.1). VideoboxPro can use only these older protocols on OS X 10.9 thru OS X 10.12.
VideoboxPro and WebSnapperPro not responding to calls from Chrome.
Javascript from Apple Events is no longer enabled by default in the latest versions of Chrome. Safari has had this requirement for
awhile, and now Chrome also requires JavaScript Events permissions. Check out the WebSnapperPro Tutorial -
www.tastyapps.com/wsprotut.html - or the VideoboxPro Tutorial - www.tastyapps.com/vbprotut.html for instructions to allow Javascript from Apple Events.
"Check for update..." returns error message.
In WebSnapperPro v.2.3.0 the "Check for update..." option has a bug and might give you an error message. You can manually download
WebSnapperPro v.2.3.1 to fix the problem from the WebSnapperPro page.
The "Check for update..." option no longer functions with Legacy Apps. Use the "About.." option in the app's menu to
check the installed version then check for the current version on the Legacy Apps page. If you are not current Contact Us and we'll send you a link to download the latest version of your TastyApp.
General FAQ:
1. Lost License! Back in Trial!
2. I have a new Mac. Do I need to repurchase?
3. Free trial? What 's the catch?
4. So how much of a ROI do I get if I buy a TastyApp? What upgrades am I entitled to?
5. I use an older version of OS X (pre-Lion OS X 10.7)...
Lost License! Back in Tria!
We updated our licensing procedure for OS X support back in August 2014 and your old license links or
files will not work with the latest versions of our TastyApps. Now we use license keys provided by Paddle, our licensing agent.
Installed and
registered versions should update to the latest versions using licensing data stored on your Mac, but if you have a new mac
or hard drive or if you updated your OS X with a “clean” install,that info is lost and you are starting from scratch.
If you purchased your license after August 2014, your license key can be found in the PaddleLocker ( my.paddle.com ) that was set
up when you went through Paddle, our licensing agent, to purchase your license. Use the email address you used when purchasing
your license and, if this is the first time accessing your PaddleLocker, you will be asked to set a password. Paddle will provide
the key via email.
If you purchased your license prior to August 2014 just contact us. We'll need the name and email address provided at the time
of purchase, and the approximate order date to "connect the dots". After confirming your purchase we'll get you set up with a
Paddle license key.
Lost License! Back in Tria!
We updated our licensing procedure for OS X support back in August 2014 and your old license links or
files will not work with the latest versions of our TastyApps. Now we use license keys provided by Paddle, our licensing agent.
Installed and
registered versions should update to the latest versions using licensing data stored on your Mac, but if you have a new mac
or hard drive or if you updated your OS X with a “clean” install,that info is lost and you are starting from scratch.
If you purchased your license after August 2014, your license key can be found in the PaddleLocker ( my.paddle.com ) that was set
up when you went through Paddle, our licensing agent, to purchase your license. Use the email address you used when purchasing
your license and, if this is the first time accessing your PaddleLocker, you will be asked to set a password. Paddle will provide
the key via email.
If you purchased your license prior to August 2014 just contact us. We'll need the name and email address provided at the time
of purchase, and the approximate order date to "connect the dots". After confirming your purchase we'll get you set up with a
Paddle license key.
I have a new Mac. Do I need to repurchase?
No! If you have a Paddle license key (see above) just download the latest version of your TastyApp and use the license key
to register.
If you have an old license file or license link you'll need to contact us. See above.
I have a new Mac. Do I need to repurchase?
No! If you have a Paddle license key (see above) just download the latest version of your TastyApp and use the license key
to register.
If you have an old license file or license link you'll need to contact us. See above.
Free trial? What is the catch?
There is none! The trial version is the exact same version you get when you register, so you can see how the actual paying version works.
It is not crippled in any way. After the trial ends, we will, however, ask you to either buy, or uninstall the application.
Free trial? What is the catch?
There is none! The trial version is the exact same version you get when you register, so you can see how the actual paying version works. It is not crippled in any way. After 15 days of trial, we will, however, ask you to either buy, or uninstall the application.
So how much of a ROI do I get if I buy a TastyApp? What upgrades am I entitled to?
All right – ready for some numbers? Officially you are entitled to all versions that are released within the same series.
For instance, versions 1.1, 1.2, etc. are all the 1.x series. So if you bought Videobox at version 1.2, you are entitled to
free updates until version 2.0 comes out.
So how much of a ROI do I get if I buy a TastyApp? What upgrades am I entitled to?
All right – ready for some numbers? Officially you are entitled to all versions that are released within the same series.
For instance, versions 1.1, 1.2, etc. are all the 1.x series. So if you bought Videobox at version 1.2, you are entitled to
free updates until version 2.0 comes out.
I use an older version of OS X (pre-Lion OS X 10.7)...
Ahh... yes my friend! All right, well, all good things must come to an end. We no longer offer technical support for pre OS X
10.7 systems, but we do offer free updates to the latest versions of our TastyApps when you do upgrade your OS X.
Just contact us and be sure to use the original email you used to buy your TastyApp, so we can, you know, connect the dots…
I use an older version of OS X (pre-Lion OS X 10.7)...
Ahh... yes my friend! All right, well, all good things must come to an end. We no longer offer technical support for pre OS X
10.7 systems, but we do offer free updates to the latest versions of our TastyApps when you do upgrade your OS X.
Just contact us and be sure to use the original email you used to buy your TastyApp, so we can, you know, connect the dots…
Didn’t find your question? Have you checked the FAQ for your TastyApp?
1. VideoboxPro FAQ
2. WebSnapperPro FAQ
3. WatchMe FAQ
4. Vortex FAQ
5. Web Snapper FAQ
6. Videobox FAQ
7. Musicbox FAQ
You might also find the answer in the Tutorials.
1. VideoboxPro Tutorial
2. WebSnapperPro Tutorial
3. WatchMe Tutorial
4. Vortex Tutorial
5. Web Snapper Tutorial
6. Videobox Tutorial
7. Musicbox Tutorial
Still need help... just contact us. The more details provided the better.